¿Pagas muchos impuestos? Curso gratuito de 1 hora para recuperar tu dinero

Ahora es el momento de pagar los impuestos justos.

¿Pagas muchos impuestos? Curso gratuito de 1 hora para recuperar tu dinero

De media una empresa paga un 15% de impuestos extra. Descubre como optimizar tu fiscalidad.

Aspectos clave:

  • Revisar tu declaración del año pasado
  • Ver que aspectos puedes deducir de cara al próximo año
  • Agendar reunión de revisión de 40 minutos
  • Poner foco en la innovación como herramienta de desgravación

Por qué necesitas revisar tu declaración de la renta

Right now, I’m in the process of creating a comprehensive “how to” manual explaining, in gory detail, how to set up online lead generation funnels for your tax practice.

For purposes of creating this training material, I decided to start from scratch and create an entirely new lead generation site for tax resolution. I’m documenting the entire technical process of how the site is created, including choosing a domain name, setting up web hosting, creating client attraction magnets, and more. Beyond that, though, I’m also revealing the exact steps necessary to get the site indexed by search engines, and how to get traffic to the web site using both online and offline means.

Apúntate a nuestro curso gratuito de 40 minutos

The new manual will be available on April 19, just after the close of tax season and in time for you to begin the process of creating your own online lead funnels for the Second Tax Season. You can get your copy by clicking here.

In addition, I’ve decided to do something crazy: I’m giving away the tax resolution lead generation site I’m creating as part of writing the manual.

Why would I offer to give this away, rather than keeping it for my own tax practice? (Tip: Here’s today’s marketing lesson…..) Everything in business is about an exchange of value. You trade money for products and services every single day — that’s an exchange of value. But value exchange doesn’t need to be monetary. I’m willing to forego potential future tax clients that could be gained from this new lead generation site in exchange for social media exposure for Tax Marketing HQ right now — it’s a value exchange that I’m happy to make, due to the growing importance of “social signals” for search engine optimization (SEO). In short, this is a price I’m willing to pay due to my long-term neglect of all things social media.

Think about how you could use this same strategy within your tax practice. What things do you know you should be doing, but aren’t? For example, are there small tax resolution cases you wouldn’t ordinarily take on that you could do pro bono, in exchange for client testimonials and online “social proof”? How about thinking outside the box, such as sending out a blog post on a Saturday? (see what I did there?)

  • De media las empresas pagan un 10% - 20% de impuestos extra
  • Se puede gestionar de manera más eficiente tus pagos
  • Invertir en innovación siempre es rentable

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